Theme of Today

China knows

Senkaku Islands
Japan's territories!

Chinese Communist Party knows the truth.



The place of Senkaku Islands

Key passage:

Though Senkaku Islands are Japan's territories, China claims they have been her territories since ancient times.
China repeats political and military actions for her claims. This is Senkaku Islands issue.
But the conclusive documents were found. The maps made by China destroyed her claims. They proved China also knew Senkaku Islands were Japan's territories.

要 約:

中国はその主張のため、政治的、また軍事的な行動を繰り返しています。 これが尖閣問題です。


1. The map which destroys China's claim

Though Senkaku Islands are Japan's territories, China claims they have been her territories since ancient times(Please refer here).

China repeats political and military actions for her claims. This is Senkaku Islands issue.
But the conclusive documents were found. The maps made by China destroyed her claims. They proved China also understood Senkaku Islands were Japan's territories.

I quoted the following sentences from the blog by Mizuma Masanori, a Japanese journalist.

I found Chinese government officials with millions of yen in their pockets went round shopping in Japan for the maps of Senkaku Islands issued by China when I got a scoop on a map with "Senkaku", Japanese naming which was published in Beijing in 1960. This article was run in "SAPIO" in November, 2004.

Now the Foreign Ministry have posted this map issued in 1960 as the most incontestable evidence which shows clearly Senkaku Islands are territories of Japan.

尖閣諸島は日本領にもかかわらず、中国は古来よりの自国領だと主張しています( 参考URL)。

中国はその主張のため、政治的、また軍事的な行動を繰り返しています。 これが尖閣問題です。


中国政府関係者が、中国で発行した尖閣関連地図を、ポケットに数百万円ねじ込んて 買い漁っていたことがわかったのは、2004年11月に『SAPIO』誌に、 1960年に北京で発行した尖閣と日本名表記の地図をスクープしたときでした。

実際、現在、外務省も尖閣諸島が日本領を中国に主張できる最強の資料として、 1960年の同地図をホームページにアップしてあるのです・・中略・・

Click to open full size version

... The map which I got a scoop on was issued by Chinese State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (中華人民共和国国家測絵総局) in 1969. This map is a conclusive evidence that China understood Senkaku Islands were Japanese territories till 1969. Because "Senkaku" Islands and "Uotsurishima", which are Japanese names, are found in this map. ...

Now I think the people who have conviction that Senkaku Islands are Japan's territories are the persons in charge of Japan belong to Japan department in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(中国社会科学院日本課) and Publicity Department(中国中央宣伝部).

Because they built their "Senkaku website" on New Year's Day with the maps and ancient documents which are just pieces of junk. These maps and documents are supposed to be collected in Japan. In this way, they are propagandizing desperately. But this Senkaku map in 1969 let their work go to waste. This map will be run in "Voice" in February, 2015. This map was made by the Chinese government organization, which corresponds to Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. Therefore when this information will be diffused out into the media and peoples of the world, China will have the reputation of being a territory thief but of being a culture thief. Then such criticisms outside China will be diffused out into China through a China version of twitter.
・・・今回スクープした1969年に「中華人民共和国国家測絵総局」が発行した地図に「尖閣群島」「魚釣島」と、 いずれも「中国が1969年まで尖閣諸島を日本領と認めていた」決定的な証拠を明らかにしました・・


それは、日本国内から集めたと思われる地図・古文書などのゴミ資料で『尖閣サイト』を本年元旦にアップしたり、必死になって宣伝しているからです。それらがすべてムダになるのが、『voice』2月号のカラーグラビアに掲載した 1969年の尖閣地図です。この地図は、諸外国の「国土地理院」にあたる中国の政府機関が作成していますので、世界中のメディアや国民に情報が拡散されると、中国は「文化だけでなく領土もパクる詐欺国家」が定着することになり、中国のツイッターに外国での批判が拡散されることになります。

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