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How was taekwondo born?
"Mr. taekwondo" Choi Hong Hi spoke.(1)


Sorry! I forgot to write this underlined part(important part!).(2008/03/28) -> I removed this underline(2016/01/16)

すいません、この下線部を飛ばしていました。 (2008/03/28) ->下線をはずしました(2016/01/16)

Key passage:
The 'creator' of taekwondo was a Korean general called Choi Hong Hi.
Because of his hatred of Japanese, he did not want to teach Karate his men as it was. Then he modified Karate and changed its name not to seem like Japanese martial art.
But his name is now about to be removed from taekwondo's history.
Because WTF(taekwondo's association) feels inconvenience about his name to disguise taekwondo's history.

Taekwondo's delusive history was begun by a liar and was 'created' by lying association.



I introduced the interview with Choi Hong Hi("Tae Kwon-Do Times January,2000"). He is a "founder" of taekwondo, though you may know it.

Choi Hong Hi have "created" taekwondo from Japanese Karate. The name of taekwondo was also given by him. But we can not find his name anywhere in the history of taekwondo of WTF's website.(WTF is the association which is a member of the International Olympic Committee.)

*We can still find his name in some websites of the groups linked to ITF which does not participate in the Olympics.

WTF disguises taekwondo as the Korean traditional martial art with the thousands of years of history. Therefore, they tries to hide that Choi have "created" taekwondo based on Japanese Karate. What they are doing about taekwondo is the same with what they are doing about "kumdo". They never want to accept something originated from Japan or transferred from Japan.
We can often see such childish proclivities in today's Korea, especially about what has been transferred from Japan (For example, soy sauce, rice and capitalist economy). Not a few Korean people can not accept their history which they have been taught by Japan because of their traditional despising Japan feelings based on their "chosen people" consciousness (petit Sinocentrism). This is the same for Korean government, academics, teachers and general public.
In the first place, the name of taekwondo itself was born because of Choi's hatred toward Japan and his consideration for President Rhee, his comrade and his subordinates. He tried to hide its origin or Japanese Karate with the name of "taekwondo".

Briefly speaking, Choi and WTF have told lies three times.
- Choi Hong Hi modified Karate and named it "taekwondo" to hide its Japanese origin.

- Next, WTF erased the name of Choi Hong Hi from taekwondo's history to fabricate the history.

- They fabricated taekwondo's several thousand years' history, and spread its false history around the world.
Their diseased "national pride" made them make up the ancient history of taekwondo. And they became to feel inconvenience about the name of Choi, the real "creator" of taekwondo. Then they erased the name of its "creator" without embarrassment.

Taekwondo's delusive history was begun by a liar and is still 'being created' by lying association.

Their ideas are like socialist countries of the Cold War era. They fabricate their history for "national pride" rather than for political motivation.

I can not imagine such a people can inherit or develop their culture. Because they can never hand on even their real history. They are the people who simply deny historical truth just because they don't like them. How can such people inherit and develop their culture?
チェホンヒという人のインタビューを紹介します。 (「テコンドータイムス2000年1月号」) ご存知かもしれませんが、チェ氏はテコンドーの「創始者」です。

チェホンヒは日本の空手からテコンドーを「創出」しました。テコンドーという名前も彼がつけたのです。 しかし彼の名前は WTF(オリンピックの参加団体)のWEBSITEのテコンドーの歴史のどこにもありません*。


WTFはテコンドーを何千年もの歴史のある韓国の伝統武道と偽り、チェが日本の空手を元に「創出」したことを 隠蔽しようとしているのです。 剣道と同様、日本で発祥したことや日本から伝えられたことを認めたくないのです。
韓国ではこうした小児的な性癖を、いわゆる植民地時代に伝わったものを中心に、あらゆるところで見ることができます (例:醤油資本主義)。 伝統的な選民意識(小中華思想)に基づいた侮日意識のため、 彼らは日本から教えてもらってきた歴史を、政府も、学者も、教師も、 一般国民も受け入れることができないのです。
もともと、テコンドーという名前自身もチェの日本と日本人への憎悪、イスンマン大統領や軍の仲間や部下への配慮から、 日本の空手という出自を隠蔽するために出てきたものです。

- チェホンヒはテコンドーの出自を日本の空手でないように見せかけるため、テコンドーという名前をつけた。

- テコンドーの真の歴史を隠すため、今度はWTFが「創設者」チェホンヒの名前を消した。

病んだ「民族的自尊心」のために架空の古代の歴史を掲げる彼らには、今度は本当のテコンドー「創始者」 であるチェ自身の名前が邪魔になったのです。 そして「創始者」の名前を平気で抹消してしまいました。



私には、このような人々が文化を継承したり発展させたりできるようには思えません。本当の歴史すら継承できないからです。 自分たちに気にいらないという理由で、簡単に過去の事実を否定する人々に、どうやって文化の継承、発達ができるのでしょうか?

- 伝統文化への飢餓感
- 日本、日本人への劣等感、
- そして憎悪
テコンドーはこれらから生まれました。さらに悪いことには、彼らは歴史の捏造を、「オリンピック競技」という形で 世界に認めさせてしまいました。

彼らの精神は病んでいます。狂っています。そういう言葉は使いたくありませんが、悲しいかな、そういう言い方でしか 表現できない真実と言うものが世の中にはあるのです。

Taekwondo is one of "Korean improvised traditional culture".
- Insatiable hunger for traditional culture
- Inferiority complex toward Japan and Japanese
- Hatred of Japan and Japanese
Taekwondo was born from above elements. To make matters worse, they made the world accept their fabricated history by making it one of Olympic games.

Their minds are diseased and insane. I don't want to use such words, but sadly we are compelled to recognize the reality that we can express only with such words.

Taekwondo is living material which we can verify such their minds.
The opening part of this article.
(Left picture) Choi Hong Hi at the time (Upper right picture) Choi Hong Hi in his young days

--- quote from "Tae Kwon-Do Times January,2000" ---

General Choi talks about his fascination life--at one point he was three days from execution--and the creation and development of Taekwon-Do. Now an octgenarian, he remains a vibrant force in the martial art community of the twenties century and a shining example for all those talking his art into the new millennium.

To understand my talk with General Choi, you will need and understanding of the relationships between the nations of The Far East, China, Korea and Japan; linked by geography, culture and 5,000 years of history. The huge country of China has acted as the elder brother of Korea. By Asian custom, this means that China has watched over Korea and helped it in time of need or foreign invasion. The relationship between Korea and Japan is a little different. By introducing methods of temple construction, and educating the Japanese in classical studies and Buddhist Sutras. Korea played the role of older brother during the early part of their relationship.
----------- 「テコンドータイムス2000年1月号」より引用(要約) -----------


チェホンヒ講義 テコンドーの歴史

インタビューアのキム博士のチェ将軍への質問として、あなたが二つの誕生日と名前をもっているというのは本当ですか、 と言うと、誕生日は太陰暦と太陽暦のものがあり、名前は1918年、生まれたときに父から与えられたチェホンヒという名前と、 1955年神より与えられた「テコンドー」という名前がある、と答える。

武道を始めたきっかけは、日本が占領していた時代の有名な事件による。1930年、日本人生徒の一団が電車で韓国人女子学生を からかい、嫌がらせをすると、激高した韓国人学生がその日本人学生をとりかこみ、ひどく殴った。後に日本人警官がその韓国人学生を 容赦なく取り締まった。この事件は朝鮮全体に広まり、各地で活発な抗議行動が起こった。

チェは学校で抗議行動のリーダーの一人で、学校のウォークアウトを指揮したが、そのために日本の学校システムから 追い出されてしまう。
Japan, during the Meiji Restoration, was the first of the three countries to embrace Western culture and science. The Emperor, having regained control over the government, encouraged his subjects to learn more about the West. As a result, Japan with the use of the Western weaponry was able to defeat China in 1894 and occupy and annex Korea in 1910. The Korean people fought bitterly for thirty-five years for independence that was not won until the end of World War II. To this day, many Korean still feel hatred towards the Japanese. My interview General Choi was conducted on August 1, 1998, and from February 27 to March 1, 1999. The interviews are a part of my continuing research into the history of Korean martial arts.

(Author's note; Because the original interview was conducted in Korean, any mistakes in translation or misinterpretations are my responsibility.)

Choi Hong Hi A Tae Kwon-Do History Lesson

With Dr. He-Young Kimm
photographs by Mr.Olin Thrash
Dr. Kimm; General Choi, thank you for granting my request for an interview. One of the interesting facts that I have heard about you is that you have two names and two birthdays. Is this true?
General Choi; Yes, they are both true. I was born in Korea on November 9, 1918. At the time, the Korean calendar was based on the moon's cycle. Each month having 27 or 28 days. In the 1960s, Korea switched to the Western calendar, one based on sun's cycle, with each month having 30 or 31 days. According to the Western calendar, my birthday is on December 22. So though I have two birthdays. November 9, 1918 is the one I have chosen to celebrate.

As for my names, the first is Choi Hong Hi, given to me by my father at the time of my birth in 1918. My other name is "Tae Kwon-Do" given to me by God in 1955.
How did you begin your martial arts training?
General Choi; My training is sparkled by a famous incident during Japanese occupation of Korea. In 1930, a group of Japanese students taunted and harassed a group of Korean female students on a train bound for Kwang Ju City. Upon its arrival in Kwang Ju, angry and outraged Korean students surrounded Japanese students and beat them severely. Later Japanese police came and ruthlessly crashed Korean student defenders. Word of this incident spread rapidly through Korea. To protest the outrageous acts of the Japanese students and police, students staged strikes and walkouts in schools throughout our country. In the school I attended, I was one of the leaders of the protest movement and planned and directed a student walkout at my school.
For this, I was expelled from the Japanese school system.

My father, strongly anti-Japanese but also concerned about my future, urged me to study Chinese characters and the art of Calligraphy. he felt that one day I could get a job making tombstones using these skills. So I went to study with Master Han, Il Dong, a renowned calligrapher. I also learned Tack Kyun, may first martial art, from him.
What was your motivation for going to Japan? And why did you start your Karate training?
General Choi; I studied Calligraphy and Chinese characters for seven years. My father became satisfied with the level of skill and proficiency I had achieved. It was during this time that I became interested in learning more about Western culture, science and laws. Some of my friends were studying about the West in Japan. During their vacations home, they told me of their studies and encouraged me to join them in Japan. So that's how I decides to go to Japan.

A few days before I was to depart for Japan, I lost all of my money in card fame. This was the money I was to use to live and travel in Japan. I begged Mr. Hur to return some of the money I lost to him. He refused, telling me that the playing cards was to make money, not give it away. As he stopped to leave I picked up an ink bottle that was nearby and flung it at him. The bottle struck him in the forehead and knocked him unconscious. And the ink and blood flowed down his face. I took the money from his pocket and ran home. A couple of days later I arrived in Kyoto, Japan.

I knew that I would never be able to go back to my hometown without learning some form of self-defense. I first thought about learning how to box, but my friend, Kim hyun Soo, convinced me to watch a Karate class with him at Dong Dai Sa University. A few days afterwards I began to practice Karate.
Later, you moved to Tokyo from Kyoto. Why did you move and how was life in Tokyo?
General Choi; My original plan was to enter high school in Kyoto. For a year and a half, I ceaselessly studied English and mathematics and practiced Karate. But I failed the examination to enter the fourth grade of high school. So I moved to Tokyo because I thought that I would have a better chance to enroll in school there. A good friend from my hometown, Lee, Jong Ryun, lived in Tokyo and helped me settle there. Again, I studied English, mathematics and Karate. Finally I passed entrance examination and enrolled into the fourth grade of the Dong A Business High School. This allowed me to eventually enter the Law School of Choong Ang University.

At the university, I practiced Karate under the supervision of Master Guchin Funagoshi, the founder of Shotokan. Under Master Funagoshi, I practiced at the Shotokan(Dojo) and regularly participated in special "night walking" training from Tokyo to Kamakura City. After I was promoted to second degree black belt in Karate, my friend Yoon, Byung In and I began teaching Karate on the roof of the Tokyo YMCA building. In later years, after the liberation of Korea in 1945, Master Yoon went back to Korea and created the Kwon Bub Club at the Seoul YMCA.

チェの父は非常に反日的な人だったが、チェの将来を案じて漢字と書道を習わせた。この技術で墓石を作成する仕事ができるだろうと考えたのだ。 同じ先生からテッキョンも教えてもらい、これが最初に習った武道だったかもしれない。

7年たって父はチェの上達ぶりに満足し、チェは西洋の文化、科学、法律に興味を持つようになった。 友の何人かは日本で西洋の勉強をしており、 チェも日本に行くことにした。 ところが日本へ行く何日か前、カードの賭けですべてのお金を失ってしまった。賭けの相手にインク瓶を投げつけ、気を失った相手からお金を奪い返し、 その2日後、日本の京都へ行った。

復讐を恐れたチェは、自らを守る技術なしには故郷へ帰れないと思い、最初ボクシングをと思ったが友人の勧めで空手を習いだした。 当初京都の高校へ行くつもりで、一年半数学、英語、空手をひたすらやったが、入学に失敗し、入学の機会がもっとあると考え、東京へ行った。 英語、数学、空手を習い、商業高校へ入り、大学の法学部へ入り、大学では松濤館の設立者の船越義珍先生の下、空手を練習した。チェは二段の黒帯となった。

1942年の終わりには、日本は戦争に負けるだろうと考え、日本軍に入るのは馬鹿げたことだと思ったが、日本にいる多くの朝鮮人学生は、 学校に行くのを妨げられ、軍へ行かされた。彼らの多くは逃げたが、警察にとらわれ、1943年の10月日本軍に加わった。私たちはソウルへ送り返され、 他の朝鮮人学生と基礎訓練を受け、ピョンヤン連隊の42部隊へ送られた。そこで逃亡しようとしたが捕らわれ、7年の禁固刑となった。 後に1945年8月18日に死刑が執行されることになった。



服役中、ソウルの自治政府の準備委員会の広報がラジオから流れるのを聞いており、そのリーダーのもと、 法と秩序を維持するための学生のボランティアグループを組織した。


Kwanjuの部隊に配属されたとき、地元のよく組織された警察に軍人が逮捕され、刑罰として殴られたが、 これは耐え難いことだった。

そこで部下の軍人の単独での外出禁止と、軍事教練として空手を習わせたが、 部下に空手を習わせることを決めたことは、 良心に照らして恥ずかしいと思った。

チェは思った。一人の男として日本人を軽蔑している私が、どうして空手を韓国人兵士に教えられるだろうか? 科学的な動きに基づき、韓国人兵士に合った精神性を備えた新しい韓国武道を創造したいと考え、 そうした武道の調査を始めた

How did you end up in the Japanese Army? And what happened for you to be charged with treason and put in prison?
General Choi; By the end of 1942, I, among others, believed that Japan was going to lose the war, so it would have been very foolish to join the Japanese Army. But by this time, most Korean students in Japan were prevented from going to school and forced into the Army. Many of us went into hiding, moving from inn to inn, in order to escape being crafted. The police finally caught up with me and forced me to join the Japanese Army on October 20, 1943. I was sent back to Seoul to join other drafted Korean students for basic training at Seoul National University. We were then sent to the 42nd Unit of the Pyung Yang Division.

There was much resistance among the ranks. Soon after our arrival, I was part of the group of 30 Korean students-soldiers that decided to try to escape to the Baek Doo Mountains located on the Manchurian-Korean Border.
There we would join Underground Korean Liberation Army and fight against the Japanese occupiers. Our plan to escape failed. We were all arrested and tried for treason. Initially, I received a seven year prison term. But later, the sentence was changed and I was to be executed on August 18, 1945. Just three days before my execution, my country was liberated from the Japanese occupation forces. on August 15, 1945, I walked out of Pyung Yang Prison.
After Korea was liberated, you served as leaders of the Students' Volunteer Group. And later you enrolled in the Military English School. Could you tell us more about your activities during this time?
General Choi; As my fellow student-soldiers and I left prison, we heard an appeal to us from the Kun Joon or Preparation Committee for self-government in Seoul. Broadcast over the radio was an invitation from Mr. Yu, Woon Young, the leader of the Committee, to come to Seoul and join in the effort. Under his leadership, we formed the Students' Volunteer Group to maintain law and order because the Korean police force had not yet been created.

Later Mr. Yu was assassinated, the Students' Volunteer Group spilt into two groups, one that advocated communism and the group that I led which the ideals of democracy.

In this role, I had the chance to meet with a U. S. Army Major Reas, the Superintendent of Military English School. The Military English School would later become Korean Military Academy. It was through this meeting that I became one of the 110 founding fathers of the Korean Army.
After you were commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Korean Army, you were assigned to the Fourth Regiment in Kwang Ju City. Please tell us of your responsibility and your experience in Kwang Ju.
General Choi; When I arrived at the Fourth Regimental Headquarters in Kwang Ju. I found that the local police forces were very well organized. They had already assembled a larger force and acquired more power and authority than we in the Army. Frequently, police officers arrested military personnel on minor charges and then beat them for punishment.

This was intolerable and as a result, I ordered that no personnel could travel outside of the military compound alone. Furthermore, I included the practice of Tang Soo(karate) as part of the military training regimen. But my conscience felt shame over the decision to teach Karate. As a man, I despised the Japanese, so how could I teach Karate to my Korean soldiers? This is when I began my research in martial arts, I wanted to create a new Korean martial art that was based on scientific movement and contained a mentality to fit Korea soldiers.

I researched and practiced and refined this new art for nine years. In 1955, I created the Korean martial art of Taekwondo.

49年7月にアメリカのAdvanced Military Training Schoolに行くように命じられた。そこでの軍事トレーニングの合間に、 クラスメイト相手に空手の技術を披露した。その学校の卒業二日前の50年7月に朝鮮戦争が勃発し、急いで韓国に戻った。 すぐに将校養成学校を設立せよと命じられた。その副責任者を勤めている間に、Chung Do Kwanの設立メンバーの訪問を受けた。彼らは「個人的理由」で 日本へ行かねばならないので、Chung Do Kwanの館長を引き継いでもらえないかと言った。チェは軍の仕事があったので名誉館長となり、Son, Duk Sonを 館長に推薦した。
韓国軍は38度線を越えると、 チェは最初の部隊を割り当てられた。最初の仕事が国連軍最高司令官のダグラスマッカーサーにブリーフィングをすることで、 彼は最前列に座り、最新の戦況を報告するように言った。国連軍の多くの将軍たちも一緒だった。30分のブリーフィングの後、 何か質問はありませんかと 聞くと、「ない。大変明確だった。」彼はチェに近づくと握手し、その名を聞いた。 チェは拳部隊として知られる第29部隊を設立したが、 その記章は拳をシンボライズしていたが、これはチェのデザインだった。 この部隊にはチェを助けて兵士たちにタンスを習わせるスタッフも選任された。

この時点でこの武道をまだタンス(唐手)と呼んでいたが、日本で習ったものとかなり違ったものになってきた、 とチェは考えていた。
The Korean War broke out June 25, 1950, and continued for three years. What was your main duty during the war?
General Choi; In June of 1949, I was ordered to attend the Advanced Military Training School in the United States. At the time I received my orders, I was on my honeymoon and I really did not want to leave my bride. But I am a soldier and I obey orders. Under the leadership of Colonel Choi, Duk Shin, four of us boarded a ship bound for the United States.

One day during our voyage, as I practiced kicking on the deck of the ship, the shoe on my kicking leg flew off my foot into the air and landed in the Pacific. Well, I could not wear just one she, so I took off the other one and and flung it into the ocean as well. And then I returned to my room. Upon our arrival in the United States, we first went to the Grand General School at Fort Riley, Kansas, and later attended the Advanced command School at Fort Benning, Georgia.

During respites from our military training, I had the opportunity to demonstrate Tang Soo techniques for my fellow classmates. We graduated on June 23, 1950, two days before war broke out in my country.

We rushed to get back to Korea. Upon my arrival, I was ordered to establish the Officer Training School. While serving as the Vice Superintendent of the school, I was visited by Master Lee, Won Kuk, the founder of Chung Do Kwan. He told me that he had to leave for Japan for "personal reasons" and asked me to take over as head of Chung Do Kwan. I accepted his request, but since I was a General in the Army. I became honorary head and appointed Master Son, Duk Son as head of Chung Do Kwan.

When our troops crossed the 38th parallel, I was assigned to the First Corp. One of my first tasks was to give a briefing to General Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Commander of the United Nations Troops. He was visiting the front line and I was selected to update him on the battle situation. Many generals from U.N. forces came with him. After the thirty minutes briefing, I asked him if he had any questions. To which he replied, "No questions; very clear." And then he approached me and while shaking my hand, asked me my name.
You created the 29th Infantry Division, also known as the "Fist Division". Could you talk about how you formed this division and created its unique insignia?
General Choi; In September of 1953, General Back, Sun Yuh, the Chief of Staff of the Korean Army, asked me to create 28th Division. I asked him, "Will this be the last division created during the war?" He said, "No, there will be one more division created in a few months." So, I asked him if I could create the last division, the 29th Infantry Division and he granted my request.

The first thing I set out to do was to create distinctive division flag. From the number 29, the two symbolized the divided Korean peninsula. The number nine I saw as my fist. I created the division flag with my fist over the Korean Peninsula. After seeing the flag, people gave the 29th the nickname, "The Fist Division" or "Ik Keu Division"

My second task was to choose the division's military commmand staff. To assist me in trainning the troops in military drills, I enlisted the aid of Colonel Ha, Chung Kab and Li, Colonel Kim, Hawng Mok. I also recruited Master Nam, Tae Hee and Master Han, Cha Kyo to help me train the soldiers in Tang Soo. By this time, although I still called the martial art, Tang Soo, the characteristics and quality of techniques were now far different from the Karate that I had practiced in Japan.
To my officers and Tang Soo instructors, I gave very specific orders. "When the soldiers train Tang Soo, everyone has to bow to the instructors, regardless of military rank. Outside of the gym, salutations go according to military rank."

The combinations of military drills and Tang Soo practice made our division unique among the others in the Korean army. We were ready to fight with or without weapons.

部隊の将校たちと空手のインストラクターに、「空手の練習のときには階級にかかわらずインストラクターへ 頭を下げなければならない。それ以外は階級に従い頭を下げよ。」

軍事教練と空手の練習の組み合わせは、韓国軍の中でもこの部隊を際立ったものにしていた。武器があるときもないときも 戦う用意ができていたのだった。

In 1954, President Seung Man Rhee, after watching a Tang Soo demonstration by the 29th Division, remarked; "That is Taek Kyun, All of our soldiers should train (in) this art." What was the significance of this demonstration and President Rhee's remark?

General Choi; In june of 1954, the Fist Division left Cheju Island to become a part of the Second Corp, located in the Kang Won province in Eastern part of Korea. In the middle of September, a joint ceremony was held to commemorate the fourth birthday of Second Corp and the first birthday of the 29th Division. As part of the ceremony, the 29th demonstrated Tang Soo techniques. President Rhee watched our demonstration with great interest and did not sit down once during the thirty minute performance. When Master Nam, Tae Hee broke roofing tiles with his fist, the President, pointing to his knuckles asked me, "Is this the part used to break the tile?" To which I replied, "Yes, Sir!" Then the President turned towards the other generals in the audience and said, "This is Taek Kyun. I want to see all of our soldiers train in this art."
It is true that many of the other generals on the Korean Army did not want me to teach Tang Soo to their soldiers. But the President's declaration made it easier to introduce Tang Soo to the rest of the Army. In order to do this, I need to build an institute to train and produce martial arts instructors. When the 29th Division moved its Headquarters to Yong Dae Ri, west of Sulrak Mountain, I ordered a gymnasium to be built, I named it Oh Do Kwan and it was here that Master Nam, Tae Hee began to teach Tang Soo to military instructors.
President Rhee's description of our art as Taek Kyun made me think that Tang Soo needed a new name, one that was close to Taek Kyun. The techniques I was teaching were neither Tang Soo nor Taek Kyun and I needed a new name urgently.
In 1955, you organized an advisory committee for naming the martial art. Why did you create this group and what challenges did you face during the meetings?

Greneral Choi; As I mentioned previously, I had been researching, training and teaching Tang Soo since my assigment to the Fourth Regment in Kwang Ju City in 1946. The art was based on Asian Philosophy and the techniques on scientific movement. Our demonstration before President Rhee was a great success. I had created the name Taekwon-Do and by 1955 felt it was time to announce the new name of the art. But rather than just proclaiming the name myself, I thought it wise to create an advisory committee for this purpose. At the time many of the civilian dojangs were using the name Tang Soo, Kong Soo or Kwon Bub, because many generals in the Army were not happpy with my activities.
The committee was comprised of many prominent citizens, such as Mr. Cho, Kyung Jae, the Vice Speaker of the National Assembly, General Lee, Hyung Keun, the Commander in Chief of the Army, presidents of newspaper companies, etc. At the meeting, I explained that the name Taekwon-Do meant the Art of kicking and Punching. While some of the members favored the names Tang Soo and Kong Soo, all agreed the name to use was Taekwon-Do. But one of the committee members suggested that we submit the name to President Rhee for his approval. The name was sent to President Rhee and he rejected it. He felt that Taek Kyun was a traditional martial and that we should use it instead. I approached Mr.Kwak, Young Joo, the President's Chief of Staff and Mr. Suh, Jung Hak, the Director of the President's Protective Forces, and I explained to them that this was a new art, much different from the old art of Taek Kyun. I asked them to try persuade the President to accept the new name. Finally, I recived permission from President Rhee to use the new name of Taekwon-Do.
After receiving the president 's approval, I ordered the old Tang Soo signs in front of Oh Do Kwan and Chung Do Kwan to be replaced with the new Taekwon-Do signs.
And I instructed Master Nam, Tae Hee that Taekwon-Do soldiers say "Tae Kwon" when they salute each other.
The name of Taekwon-Do gradually spread through military ranks ranks through Oh Do Kwan and to civilian students through Chung Do Kwan.
1954年、李承晩大統領は軍のある式典で、 この部隊の空手のデモンストレーションを見た。大統領は30分のデモンストレーション中、すわりもせず熱心に見ていた。 ナムテヒ先生が、瓦を拳で割ったとき、大統領は彼の拳を指差し、「あれで瓦を割ったんだよな?」と言い、 チェが「そうですとも!」と答えると大統領は他の将軍たちに向き直り、 「これはテッキョンだな。兵士たちはみんなこの訓練をすべきだ。」

他の多くの将軍たちはタンスを兵士たちに教えたいとは思っていなかった。しかし大統領の鶴の一声で他の部隊へのタンスを 広めることが容易になった。 この目的のために、武道のインストラクターを訓練して養成する組織を確立する必要があった。 第29部隊が本部をYong Dae Riへ移したとき、チェは道場を建てるように言い、これをOh Do Kwanと命名し、 ナムテヒはここで軍のインストラクターにタンスを教え始めたのだった。

李大統領が「テッキョン」と言ったことで、タンスには新しくテッキョンに近い名前をつける必要があると考えられた。 教えている技術はタンスでもテッキョンでもない、とチェは考えていた。早急に新しい名前をつけなければならなかった。

すでに1946年から第4連隊で、チェはタンスの調査、訓練、教授を行っていた。チェはこの技術は アジアの哲学と科学的な動作に基づいたもの、と考えていた。李大統領の前でのデモンストレーションは大成功をおさめ、チェはテコンドーという名前を考えていたが、1955年までには、新しい名前を公表すべきだと考え、単に自分自身で 宣言するのではなく、そのための諮問委員会を組織しようと考えた。当時、多くの民間の道場が タンスやコンス、コンボブといった名称を使用していたが、 多くの将軍たちがチェのしていることを喜んでいなかったからだ。

この委員会は著名な人々からなり、会合ではチェはテコンドーの名前はキックとパンチの技術を意味するのだと説明した。 委員の何人かはタンスやコンスの名が気に入っていたが、全員が使用を同意したのはテコンドーだった。委員の一人が 使用することに李大統領の了解を求めることを提案したが、李大統領は了解しなかった。彼はテッキョンが伝統的武道であり、 この名を使うべきだと感じていたのだろう。チェは大統領スタッフのチーフと警護隊の隊長に、これは新しい技術であり、 テッキョンの古い技術とはかなり異なると言った。彼らに新しい名前を受け入れるよう、大統領を説得するように頼んだ。 最終的には李大統領より「テコンドー」を使用する許しを得た。

大統領の許しを得てOh Do Kwan と Chung Do Kwanは看板を新しいテコンドーのものへと架け替えさせた。

チェは館長のNam, Tae Heeにテコンドーの兵士たちには挨拶の時に「テコン」と互いに挨拶させるようにと指示した。

テコンドーという名前は、Oh Do Kwanを通じて軍の上下に、Chung Do Kwanを通じて民間へと徐々に広まった。 「テコンドー」という名前をつけることができたのは、チェが二つ星の軍人であったからであり、有力な将軍、指揮官が友人にいたからであり、 イスンマン大統領と親しかったからである。(次回に続く)

------ 引用終わり -----
In recollection, I think that it was possible to make the name "Taekwon-Do", because I was a two-star general, and had a powerful friend in General Lee, Hyung Keun, the Commander in Chief of the Army, and a good relationship with President Seung Man Rhee through Calligraphy and Tang Soo. (To be continued)
----- Unquote -----
I am surprised to see that they were saying "Tae Kwon" when they saluted each other!

In this way, koreanization was implemented by his instructions, though I don't know whether they still make such absurd salutes.

What is koreanization? Koreanization is the way of disguising Japanese culture as Korean culture. Here they use the way of showing a little difference from original one. This gives their story of "Korean unique culture" credibility.

I can also find something frank and something light in this old man. But I can't believe he has the nerve to tell such a lie! He said he had two birthdays and two names. I think he also had a double tongue.

Perhaps he was a congenital liar. Taekwondo was "created" by such a person.

By the way, Karate dojo(classrooms) established under Japanese rule were replaced with the new Taekwon-Do signs. We can see the Karate Dojo were changed as if they were taekwondo Dojo since early times. It should be noted that this change might lead to disguising history.

今でもこんな馬鹿げた挨拶をしているのかはわかりませんが、こうして着々と コリアナイゼーション が進んでいったわけです。

コリアナイゼーションとは、簡単に言えば、 主に日本の文化を、韓国オリジナルの文化に見せかける手法の ことです。ここではその一手法であるオリジナルの文化との違いを出すことを指摘しています。こうすることにより、 韓国独自の文化という話に真実味を出すわけです。

それにしてもこのチェという親父、軽妙なところもあり、 率直な面も持ち合わせていますが、よくまあこれだけ口から出任せが出てくるもんです。 彼は二つの誕生日と二つの名前を持っていますが、舌も二枚持っています。生来の嘘つきなのでしょう。いずれにせよ、テコンドーはこういうキャラクターの人物により「創造」されたわけです。



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