Theme of Today

Korea has certified that Haidong Gumdo
as "the traditional martial art"!



Key passage:
Surprisingly, Korean government certified Haidong Gumdo as 'the traditional martial art' and supports it, though the assertion about its origin revealed as a fraud in Korean court!
I can never believe only the group of Haidong Gumdo but also Korean government and society which tolerate their lie.


The follwowing fact is known by only few people, but it can teach us how alien their sciety. And this is not just in the group of Haidong Gumdo.

The Korean government established "The Traditional Martial Arts Promotion Law” in 2008. This law aimed at the preservation and promotion of "Korean traditional martial arts".
The reason for submitting this bill was explained as follows;

"Traditional martial arts have protected our nation(Korea) at many battles, and have had the sprit of guarding the country and the racial sprit to unify our(Korean) people. But in recent years, these martial arts are left overwhelmed by sports culture imported from the West. Therefore they should be preserved and inherited as our cultural assets. We should provide the legal basis for support by national and local governments to promote traditional martial arts, and return them. Furthermore, I hope this bill will contribute to health and cultural life of nation and will build nation of culture. (Lee Si-jong, 2005)"

2nd European Haidong Gumdo Championships: candle extinction
How long ago was this ceremony being held????
On reflection this, it is a strange explanation. At first time, are there any Korean traditional martial arts which “have protected our nation(Korea) at many battles, and have had the sprit of guarding the country and the racial sprit to unify our(Korean) people”? Even taekwondo was established after Korean War. Kendo was also introduced under Japanese rule.

Haidong gumdo was established in the 1980s, and there's no way that Haidong Gumdo "have protected our natioin at many battles".

First of all, its "tradition" from the ancient Goguryo Kingdom turn out to be false in court. Even the leaders of the group(Actually its founders) are liars.

So anyone must be surprised to know Haidong Kumdo is within the scope of protection under this law.

In the case of taekwondo, it is believed to be the traditional martial art passed down from old times, though this is not a fact. But in the case of Haidong Gumdo, anyonne has to admit the story of its origin is untrue.

But Korean government has certified this Haidong Gumdo as "the traditional martial art". I was struck speechless to hear this. This is what Korea has done. In Korea, the lies associated with their feelings of rivalry toward Japan push aside all sorts of the truth.
After a certain amount of time, you may see the article about a "new evidence" of Haidong Gumdo in Korean newspaper. The article may assert that Haidong Gumdo was proved to be a real traditional martial art. An "historian" may offer comment about it. But then you must not be surprised. Because such fake news have been posted about other many issues ... from the origin of Someiyoshino to Sea of Japan Naming Dispute in the past.

Their claims filled with lies and fabrications. This time, we can see Korean government certified Haidong Gumdo as 'the traditional martial art' though its "tradition" turn out to be false even in Korean court.

First of all, what is facts to them? I can no longer understand them.

Reference JooBong Park: The invention of Korean Traditional Martial Arts: Enactment of the Traditional Martial Arts Promotion Law in 2008. Japan J. Phys. Educ. Hlth. Sport Sci. 55: 125 135, June, 2010



「伝統武芸はこれまで多くの戦乱において国を守り,民族を統合させた護国精神と民族精気を多分に含む伝統文化であるにも関わらず,近年,西洋からもたらされたスポーツ文化に凌駕され,放置されている状態にある.それ故,伝統武芸は我々の文化遺産として保存・継承するべきであり,伝統武芸の振興のため国や地方自治団体による支援の法的根拠を作って我々の伝統文化を取り戻し,さらに国民の健康増進と文化生活向上及び文化国家建設に寄与したい」(Lee Si-jong, 2005)


そもそも韓国の武芸というもので「多くの戦乱において 国を守り,民族を統合させた」ものが果たして存在するのだろうか? テコンドーだって日本の空手をもとに朝鮮戦争後成立したものだし、剣道だって日本から併合時に伝わったものだ。







参考文献 体育学研究 55125 135, 2010 韓国政府による「伝統武芸」の創造 2008年「伝統武芸振興法」の制定をめぐって 朴周鳳

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