Theme of Today



Key passage:

In USA, insistent "hate Japan" propaganda by Korean residents even caused to a new problem of racism.

The most affected people are Japanese children. They are overtly bullied and discriminated by Korean children just because they are Japanese. Their stories remind us of Jews under Hitler.
But President Obama even has a hand in propaganda and racial discrimination instead of expressing an interest in this problem. Obama should face this problem of racism caused by Korean propaganda and should be ashamed of being complicit in racism.

要 約:


最大の犠牲者は日本人子弟である。韓国系住民の子供は、ただ日本人という理由だけ で子弟を公然といじめ、差別する。その様はヒトラー政権下のユダヤ人を思わせる。


1.Jews under Hitler

In this website, I am talking about many lies and propaganda by Korean government and people. Such lies and propaganda are caused by their hatred to Japanese. Most of them are based on false or exaggerated information. They are often discriminatory against Japanese. Recently the "comfort women" propaganda in third-party nations by Korean people or immigrants became too much to tolerate.

"Comfort woman" statue at Glendale, USA is the symbol of these propaganda.

The local assembly members of Glendale sucked up ethnic Koreans who have no will to become good members of the USA community, and collaborated in erecting this statue which did not have direct relation with USA. We can find "more than 200,000 .. women" in the inscription on this statue. The number of Japanese soldiers(army) was less than 3,000,000 even at the end of war. I wonder how these local assembly members believed such an enormous amount of prostitutes ( According to this inscription, sex slaves) followed Japanese soldiers. I am chilled to the marrow by their intellectual decay and surprising indefference. 

このサイトでは、日本人への憎しみゆえの韓国政府、また韓国人の嘘、プロパガンダについて語って まいりました。それらの嘘、 プロパガンダはしばしば日本人に対して差別的なものです。また、最近では韓国人または 韓国系移民による第三国での「慰安婦」のプロパガンダ が目に余るようになってきました。


現地の地方議員たちはよき米国社会の一員になろうという気もない韓国系住民におもねり、 本来米国に 直接関係ないこの像の建立に協力しました。この像には「20万人以上の女性が・・・」という碑文が あります。ピークでも300万人の日本兵に20万人以上もの売春婦(碑文では性奴隷)がついて回ったなどとどうやって信じたのでしょうか。 彼らの 知的退廃と驚くべき無関心に慄然とします。
Korean people and the local assembly members who were taking a picture in front of "Comfort woman" statue at Glendale in July of 2013.
Have the assembly members realized Korean people or ethnic Koreans have unlimited political desires? I'm afraid the day will come that they will find themselves as political servants of them.  

But this statue has caused a far more serious problem.

In this area, Japanese children have become targets of bullies .
At a restaurant, a Japanese school kid asked anxiously her mother "Do not speak to me in Japanese". We must say this is a very abnormal condition.

Do we hear a story of Jews under Hitler?

Japanese Media( also reports Japanese children are suffering following damages day by day. For example,
"A Korean child spat in my food. "
"Korean children yelled at me 'Dokto(Takeshima in Japasese ) is the Korean territory!'"
(((2014.2.15 msn sankei news ))

I pray that Nazi "Sturmabteilung"* will not appear in their face, though I don't want to imagine. What is going on now in USA, at least in a part of USA are exactly acts of racial discrimination in public against Japanese

*To tell the truth, "Sturmabteilungs" have already appeared in Korea. Recently(last July in 2013) I saw the article that some groups of young people were "hunting" Japanese in Korea. Such groups are wandering around the city. When they find a Japanese, they question him "Does Dokto(Takeshima) belong to Korea?", for example. And they often exercised brute force.) 

現地では日本人子弟がいじめの対象になっているのです。学童がレストランで母親に 「日本語で私を呼ばないで」といったと いうのですから普通ではありません。


「韓国の子供たちが、独島(竹島の韓国名)は韓国のものだと怒鳴ってきた」 (2014.2.15 msn産経ニュース

考えたくありませんが、ナチスの突撃隊*のようなものが現れないことを祈るばかりです。 今米国で行われているのは、一部の地域とはいえ間違いなく日本人への公然とした差別 なのです。

*実は、「突撃隊」 はすでに韓国には出現しています。(昨年(2013年)7月に、韓国国内では若者の集団による 「日本人狩り」が行われているという報道がありました。彼らは街中をうろついては日本人を 探し出し、独島はどこのものだ?などと訊問し、 しばしば暴力を振るうということです。
In Japanese, a terrestrial station reported serious bullying against Japanese children at Glendale.
At this city, there are only about 100 Japanese. On the other hand, there are 12,000 ethnic Koreans. It is easy to identify an individual Japanese. Then it takes a great deal of courage to speak about their damages.  

2.The U.S. government and President have a hand in racial discrimination

Korean people originally have remarkable discriminatory sentiments. Additionally the national education system of Korea have been planting hatred and contempt for Japanese. It's the same as most of their home education. It's too late to call on them to reverse dehumanization.

But the problem here is USA. Needless to say, USA has the history to abolish racial discrimination. But at a time USA has a history to discriminate against Japanese people and immigrants. Actually USA deported Japanese immigrants to concentration camps. Naturally this measure was taken at WWII, and other belligerent immigrants must be deported to concentration camps equally, too. But in fact only Japanese immigrants were detained for the long term and were confiscated their estate.

And now city council members and a city mayor erected a delusive "Comfort woman" statue at ethnic Koreans' beck and complicited in racial discrimination and smear.

It's the same with the Congress. The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee put flowers on this statue.
Additionally President Obama went so far as to order to stop a revision of "Kono Statement" by Abe cabinet. "Kono Statement" is the statement which was released by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono in 1993.
By this statement, Japanese government was considered to admit that "Comfort women" had been forced into the wartime brothels by Japanese army. But anyone can not explain the background to the release of this statement. And on top of everything there is no evidence to support this statement.
(There is no evidence that Japanese army brought in "Comfort women" against their will from the Korean Peninsula.)
 That is why this statement is full of deception. After all, the evidences are only the self-confessed former "comfort women"'s "testimonies". But their "testimonies" are often inconsistent, and sometimes even incredible. For example, their employment ages are sometimes too low. One of them have insisted she had worked at the place where a wartime brothel have never existed. And in their "testimonies", "Jeeps" and "the Christmas holidays" appear for some reason, though in old Japanese Army, both of them did not exist. At last, one of them said "In Korean war...". (During Korean War, Japanese army had already disorganized. )

Recently many Japanese people became to know the deceit and the harm of "Kono Statement". According to a Japanese newspaper poll, about 66% Japanese people ask for the revising this statement. This poll was performed on 22 & 23 February(, This opinion is no longer limited to conservative class.
But on last January(2014) some Japanese media reports said President Obama stopped Prime Minister Abe from revising this statement. In fact, Abe had been positive in revising this statement, but he announced not to revise it during his term. If the media reports are true, it is obvious this pressure from Obama has lead to the act of racial discrimination. Because Kohno Statement is regarded as one of the basis of this problem.

3.The color of skin is not an Indulgence!

I remember President Clinton have unjustfy maligned a Japanese company at the sexual harassment lawsuit in 1996(named MITSUBISHI MOTORS sexual harassment lawsuit). According to Associated Press's report, someone had made female employees pretend to be victims and mass media reported under their thumb.

At this case, Clinton shrewdly assingned an accuser to Pole Igasaki, Japanese ancestry. He had already won parliamently approval about this pesonnel choice.

Clinton unjustly maligned the reputation of Japanese company by appealing sense of discrimination. And that he made a political toy of this lawsuit by making use of Japanese ancestry.

Though President Obama is having a hand in racial discrimination, he may feel it is not necessary to provide "Japanese ancestry". Because Obama himself is not a white person.

But that doesn't mean he is permitted to promote assistance to discriminate against Japanese as Jews under Hitler. The color of his skin is never an indulgence. Obama should be ashamed of being complicit in racism.

After that Abe Cabinet has examined how Kohno Statement had been decided. This revealed following facts(2014/06/20).

- In the end Japanese government could not find that Japanese army had forced "comfort women" into the wartime brothels. Kohno Statement also  released with knowledge of it.

- But Korean government importunately demanded to admit carting off "all comfort women" by  Japanese army. Japanese government refused it because it was untrue to the facts. Then Korean government requested to include "according to instructions of Japanese army" in the statement. After all, "at the request of Japanese army" was used in Kohno Statenent.

Kohno Statement was regarded as a voluntary statement from Japanese government. But in fact this was released by the insistent requests from Korean government.

- 5 million yen were paid to 61 "comfort women" as consolation payment through Asian Women's Fund which was set up by Japanese government and domestic and foreign people(The compensation problem till WWII ended, and Japanese government itself could not pay compensation.). When staff of the Fund visited to each women, they handed the letter from Japanese prime minister to them. They heard a word of thanks.
But in Korea, media began to engaged in a negative campaign about this money and private organizations also began insistent hate campain and harassment to prevent from receiving money, For example, they say "Do not dirty money from Japan". 
Then only 61 women had received money.  

After all, Kohno Statement proved to be delusive, and Korean government and people are only bringing up the problems which had been brought to an end.

The release of this verification strongly shocked Korean government and made them angry. Because both government promised to conceal such inside facts. But Korean government should remember that they had broken the promised of the time long before. Korean government have promised not to demand compensation about "confort women". Then, this verification is not going to matter as much.

I hope this verification will improve the position of Japanese living in USA. 

韓国人はもともと選民意識と差別感情の強い民族であり、国を挙げて 日本人への憎しみと差別意識を教育されてきた人々です。多くの家庭の教育においても同様です。今更まともになれと言っても無駄だと思います。

しかしここで問題なのは米国です。周知の通り、アメリカには人種差別を撤廃してきた歴史があります。 しかしながら同時に日系人、日本人を差別してきた歴史 もあります。実際に日系人を強制収容所に送って きたのです。これは第二次世界大戦中の話であり、交戦国からの移民すべてへの措置のはずでしたが、 長期の勾留や財産を没収されたのはほとんど日系人のみでした。

そして今、地方議員や市長が韓国人住民のいいなりに欺瞞に満ちた慰安婦像を設置し、中傷、 差別行為の手助けをしています。

さらに、オバマ大統領は安倍内閣における河野談話の見直しにストップをかけました。河野談話というのは、 1993年に官房長官の河野が出した旧日本軍の慰安婦動員の強制性を認めたといわれている談話です。 しかし成立経緯に不透明な部分が多く、また何よりも文書など証拠の裏付けもないことから (日本軍が朝鮮半島で強制的に女性たちを集めた証拠がない)、欺瞞に満ちた談話と言われています。 それを「証明」するものは、自称元慰安婦の言葉だけですが、その内容はしばしば矛盾し、時折荒唐無稽ですらあります。例えば年齢が合いません(若すぎる)。旧日本軍の慰安所のないところで仕事をしたと言ったり、ジープやクリスマス休暇(旧日本軍には当然クリスマス休暇もジープもない。) さらには朝鮮戦争(日本軍は参加していない)まで出てくるありさまです。

最近、多くの日本人にも談話の欺瞞性と有害さが認知され、66%の日本人が見直しを求めています。 この意見はもはや保守層に限りません(2014.2.2.22&23の世論調査にて66%以上が賛成) 。ところが、今年1月、日本の複数のメディアからオバマが安倍首相の談話見直しを止めるように 圧力をかけたという報道がありました。実際河野談話見直しに意欲を示していた安倍首相は、見直しを しないと方針を変更しています。報道が事実なら、オバマの圧力は人種差別に加担するものであること は明らかです。


かつて同じ民主党のクリントン大統領が1996年、三菱自動車セクハラ訴訟という不当な裁判で日系企業を貶めた ときのやり口を思い出します。この訴訟はのちにAP通信が報じたように、女性従業員に被害者を装わせ、 メディアがそれを使嗾しました。

このときクリントンが告発役として用意したのが日系人のポール・イガサキでした。クリントンは 周到にも、事前にその人事を議会に承認させていたのです。

クリントンは、人種差別意識を利用して日本企業を不当に貶めました。しかも、日系人を利用して、 政治の玩具にしたのです。

自身が白人でないオバマは、 人種差別に加担していても、日系人を用意する必要すらないと思っているかもしれません。

だからと言って、日本人をヒトラー政権下のユダヤ人のような差別に協力していいわけはありま せん。オバマの肌の色は決して免罪符ではありません。 オバマはレイシズムに加担したことを恥じるべきです。

その後安倍内閣により河野談話成立過程の検証が実施され、以下のことが明らかにされました(2014/06/20) 。

 ‐ 軍が慰安婦を売春宿に強制的に連行したという事実は発見できませんでした。
河野談話はそれを 知った上で発表されているのです。

 ‐ 韓国側が日本軍が「全ての慰安婦」を強制的に連行したことを認めるよう執拗に求めてきましたが、日本政府は事実に反するため、拒絶しました。次に韓国政府は、「軍の命令により」という言葉を含めて発表するように要求しました。


 ‐ 61人の「慰安婦」にも、アジア助成基金(日本政府と国内外の募金により設立)団体を通じて500万円の補償金が払われました ( 第二次世界大戦の賠償問題は終了しているため、日本政府自身が賠償することはできませんでした)。基金のスタッフが各女性を訪ねた際、首相からの手紙を渡すと感謝の言葉をもらいました。

結局、談話の欺瞞性が明らかにされ、決着している問題を韓国が蒸し返している 状況が明らかになりました。

談話検証の発表に韓国政府は衝撃を受け、激昂しています。  しかしながら、談話の際の韓国側の「日本に賠償を求めない」とする約束が破られている以上、交渉の内容を暴露したことにさして問題があることとは思われません。



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