The fear of
pathological nationalism
(2007/10/21 minor update)
Key passage:
The pathological nationalism of Korea is criticized and feared by many foreigners living in Korea. But many Koreans do not reflect on their own faults, and often accuse other nations.

韓国の病的な民族主義は、韓国在住外国人の嫌悪と恐怖の的です。 しかし、韓国人は自分たちの落ち度を省みず、他国のことを非難します。


This is an article((Japanese) cache) from culture column of a major newspapers in Korea, Chosunilbo (WEB version).

これは韓国の主要紙のひとつ、朝鮮日報の文化欄の 記事((日本語) cache)です(WEB版)。

--------- quote ----------
Itoh Junko, a Japanese journalist, says "Korea is more terrible than Harlem."

A Japanese journalist attracts attention for her book on Korea based on her actual experience. This book accuses the exclusive nationalism of Korean people. She has been living in Seoul for 11 years. In the meantime, she has been wounded by Korean exclusive nationalism.

At the beginning of this month, this book which was published in Japan, has the title, "Korean nationalism as pathologies" which sounds aggressive.

Itoh Junko, the author, knew Korea through her romance with a Korean resident in Japan when she was a senior high school student. She went to Seoul for study, and lived there on a long-term. She always had a difficult time encountering Korean nationalism as "everyday talk".

"In Seoul, there are more Occidentals who side with Japanese than who side with Koreans. Why they side with Japanese is not because they like Japanese, but because they have sympathy with Japanese who are hated by Koreans. They have strong aversion to Korean extreme cultism of Korea which they feel even Racism on a routine basis."

She introduced the episode that her American classmate confessed "Soeul is more terrible than Harlem." when he left Korea because of anti-USA nationalism tide. She criticizes how Koreans, who are proud of the superiority of their nation and people, describe two facts. First fact is that many Koreans emigrate to other nations instead of living their own country, and second fact is that Koreans export their many many orphans to the world.

"Korea is an inconvenient nation to live for foreigners. Korean government doesn't recognize right of permanent residence for foreign persons to live in Korea keeping their foreign nationalities. Korea is the only nation which does not have a China town. Though Koreans know well about green card system of USA and alien fingerprinting system of Japan (Translator's note: Now abolished in Japan), Koreans ignore the foreigners' rights in their own nation."

This book describes the actual situation that foreign laborers suffer from the violence and discrimination by Korean people. She points out "Koreans are now the people who suppress other peoples.". She introduces the episode that a Nepalese hotel worker, who she met during travelling, was afraid of Korean people, saying "In Korea, we will be cut our legs or arms off if we rebel. Korea is a terrible nation wherever north or south.".

"Though I have written Korea is a hard nation to live for foreigners, I am living in Korea for 11 years. But when I was asked if I like Korea, what I can do is covering it up by smiling." She said. "In fact, Korean people are very curious, optimistic and have so good nature that I worry about being a burden to them."
Her book includes her love for Korea. This is the difference between her book and the "Anti-Korea books" often written by Japanese right wing a short time ago.

--------- unquote ----------


ソウル暮らし11年目の日本人ジャーナリストが、韓国人の閉鎖的民族主義に傷つき、韓国の盲目的ナショナリズムを告発する体験的韓国論を書いて話題に なっている。


 著者の伊東順子さんは高校生のとき、在日韓国人との恋愛で韓国を知り、ソウルに留学して長期滞在するが、「日常的な言語」として通用する韓国人の ナショナリズムとぶつかるたびにいつも大変だったという。

「ソウルにいる西洋人には韓国より日本の味方の方が多い。日本が好きだからではない。韓国人の自国民族礼賛主義に嫌悪感と人種主義の臭いまで感じた余り、 韓国人が嫌悪する日本に同情しているのだ」

彼女は一緒に勉強していた米国人留学生が、反米ナショナリズムに勝てず韓国を去りながら「ソウルはハーレムより怖い所だ」と吐露したという逸話を伝える。 また祖国と民族の優秀性を自慢する韓国人が、母国を嫌って移民し、孤児を世界に大量輸出する事実をどう説明すればいいのかと批判している。

「韓国は外国人が住むにはとても不利。外国国籍を保有したまま居住する権利(永住権)がなく、チャイナ・タウンがつくられなかった唯一の国だ。 韓国人は米国のグリーンカードや日本の指紋押捺(訳注:現在廃止)などは詳しいくせに自分の国の外国人の権利は無視する」

本は外国人労働者に対する暴力と差別の実情を伝え、「韓国人はいまや他民族を抑圧する民族になった」と指摘する。 旅行中であったネパールのホテル従業員が、 「韓国では反抗すれば手足を切られる。コリアは南も北もおそろしい場所」と怖がる話も紹介されている。

「外国人がどれだけ住みにくい国かを本に書きながら、私はそれでも11年も韓国に住んでいる。とはいえ、本当に韓国を好きかと訪ねると、 私はただ照れるほかない」。 彼女は「実際、韓国人は好奇心が旺盛で楽天的、相手が負担に思うほど人はよい」と付け加えた。 本全体に韓国に対する愛情が込められている点が、一時流行していた日本の右翼が書いた「嫌韓書」とは違う。


She says "Though Koreans know well about green card system of USA and alien fingerprinting system of Japan, Koreans ignore the foreigners' rights in their own nation."
Regrettably, many people familiar with Koreans point out this nature.

The same is often true of many Korean mass media.

For example, we can see the phrase of " "Anti-Korea books" often written by Japanese right wing" in this article. To tell the truth, the majority of Japanese are not so interested in Korea, but some Japanese are aware of Korean unusual historical view or aggressive nationalism and give attention to Korea (I am a new comer of them.).

Because of such concerns, some books about Korean historical view or nationalism are published in Japan (This is one of them.). If this writer calls these books "Anti-Korea books" for the simple reason that the authors view Korea in a negative light, this is too superficial view or too one-sided labeling, I must say.

(In Korea, many wonderful "anti-Japanese books" published. They form a Korean-specific group.)

文中に韓国人の気質として、「韓国人は米国のグリーンカードや日本の指紋押捺などは詳しいくせに 自分の国の外国人の権利は無視する」とあります。 残念ながら、韓国人とつきあいの長い人が口をそろえて指摘する特徴です。





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