Theme of Today

New but old common knowledge about Korea


韓国の新たなる泥棒国家伝説 part3


Key passage:

Buseoksa temple has begun propaganda. Its purpose is justifying for their embezzlement. They held a press conference in Japan, and asked Kan-nonji temple for a meeting. The controversial statue was stolen from this temple. But they were refused.

While visiting Japan, they were enraging many local residents and other Japanese with their thoughtless languages and behaviors.

For example,
"What we worry about the most is damaging relations between Korea and Japan."
"I wish Kan-nonji temple had dropped an earthly desire and had followed the teachings of Buddaha."

As a result, not a few events has been affcted.
For example, Baekje Exhibition has been canceled. This exhibition was planned to be held in Japan and Korea with the cultural properties of the two nations. But Japanese owner of proprties was afraid that his properties never come back safe and sound once on Korea. "Korea is a theft nation".
This became a matter of public knowledge. No longer hear any one says "That is discrimination or prejudice against Korean people".
要 約:

浮石寺側のプロパガンダが始まった。その目的は、仏像盗難に乗じての横領を正当化をはかることである。 彼らは日本で記者会見を行い、盗難被害 にあった日本の観音寺に面会を要求したが、拒否された。



これにより、様々な催事、行事が影響を受けた。例えば百済展。日韓の文化財を持ちより、 両国で展示を行う計画だったが中止となった。 日本の出展者が「文化財が韓国へ行ったら戻ってこないのでは」と懸念したからだ。
これはごく当たり前の認識となった。今や 「韓国への差別だ」「偏見だ」とは誰も言わない。
(Previous articles part 1 part 2)

From Japanese temple, Korean theft ring stole the Buddhist statues and brought them in Korea. They were arrested, and Buddhist statues were confiscated. According to the international treaty, this should be returned to Japan. But Korean public opinions are always based on hatred of Japan. Its court was also servile to them, and stop the statue to be returnd.
Buseoksa temple in Korea is going to embezzle this statue under favor of this theft. Then they began their propaganda based in their instincts.
((前回まで)part 1 part 2)

韓国人窃盗団が日本の寺より仏像を盗み、韓国へ持ち込みました。彼らは逮捕され、 仏像は押収されました。仏像は、国際条約により返還すべ きも のですが、憎日世論とそれに媚びる裁判所により、事実上差し止められました。
この機に乗じて仏像の横領を企む韓国の浮石寺は、彼らの本能に従い、プロパガンダを 始めたのです。
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