The Theme of Today :

A self-proclaimed "comfort woman" showed the cloven hoof



Key passage:
A "former comfort woman", Lee Yong Soo(李容洙) confessed "To tell the truth, I was not a comfort woman.".
The root source of this is a former executive of group dealing with the Korean "comfort women".
Lee has continued their political activities as a "former comfort woman" with this group for long years. But recently a bitter fight between them caused by money trouble.
Nevertheless, many people think this news have insignificant impact on comfort women issues in Korea.
Because comfort women issues have already become the dogma of so-called "Anti-Japan" cult in Korea. And Korean society is so accustomed to many liars.

ニュースの大元は韓国の「慰安婦」団体元幹部。 イ・ヨンスは長年「元慰安婦」として、この団体と政治活動を行ってきたが、金銭をめぐっての激しい闘争が最近起こっていた。
慰安婦問題はすでに韓国の「反日教」の重要な「教義」と化してしまっており、 韓国社会では嘘に人々は慣れっこになってしまっているためだ。
Lee Yong Soo "I was not a comfort woman." !

The "former comfort woman", Lee Yong Soo
Many inconsistencies had long been pointed out about the stories of Lee Yong Soo.
But this time we can see her stories were revealed as lies by her peer, the former exective of Korean private group supporting the former "comfort women". And such doubts have not been raised only about her.
She is originally well-known for changing her stories.
One reason behind this is that Korean society itself is infested with liars and spoils "victims" in a surprising way.
Lee's confession of main topic was revealed by Yoon Mi-hyang(尹美香), the former representative of Korean private groups supporting the former "comfort women" (at facebook).
Yoon wrote followings;

I remember I received a telephone call from Lee Yong Soo at my office in 1992 like yesterday. She confessed as follows in sheep's voice quaveringly.
"I was not one of the victims, but a friend of mine was."

Yoon revealed Lee forged her credentials.
Yoon Mi-hyang, a Member of the Diet and the former exective of Korean private group(the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan)

Lee Yong Soo and Yoon Mi-hyang conduct political activities on the same side, but they began to fight caused by money trouble. During this bitter fight this revelation has appeared.

Above contents were introduced at a press conference in front of "Comfort Woman Statue", Seoul(former Japanese Embassy), on May 15. Byun Hee-jae, an representative adviser to "Media Watch", Korean conservative group said about this exposure.

This conservative group has been dealing with distorted historical facts concerning "comfort women". In April they were announced that they intended to accuse Lee Yong Soo of fraud.

But after this, a public prosecutor of Korean government requested to issue the arrest warrant on the representative adviser to "Media Watch" for an unrelated incident.
Perhaps they have got bigger problems right now.

Korean society is a thing like this. Korean society is based on the dogmas of anti-Japan, which includes "Confort women" as an important doctrine. Whoever raises an objection to this dogma is excluded from their society in various ways.

And most people think the confess by Lee Yong Soo will have insignificant impact on existing situation. This society is also so accustomed to many liars. link1 link2

Reference data
The identity of an organization dealing with the Korean comfort women issue


長らく矛盾が指摘されてきた「元慰安婦」イ・ヨンス(李容洙)の身の上話だが、この度その仲間である、慰安婦団体の元幹部を通じて嘘が 暴露されていたことがわかった。

ユン・ミヒャン 国会議員であり、日本軍性奴隷制問題解決のための正義記憶連帯の前代表







嘘に慣れっこになっているからだ。 link1 link2


The identity of an organization dealing with the Korean comfort women issue

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