Theme of Today :

The reactions of Korean media and people
"Virginia Tech massacre"



Key passage:

1. An indiscreet caricature was displayed on the Korean national newspaper's website.
This newspaper company has apologized at once.
But it is not unusual that such an indiscreet caricature or article is displayed on the Korean media's web.

2.The backgrounds of the caricature about Virginia Tech massacre are following;
(1)Korean mass-media have an insensitive nature towards the suffering of other nation's people for a long time.
(2)Especially when the victims are Japanese, they post the articles or caricature which ridicule Japan or Japanese. This is because of their anti-Japanese feelings.
(Not a few Korean people always enjoying insulting Japan.)
(3)The cartoonist just tried to adopt "anti-Japanese method" toward America with anti-American feelings in Korea.
But the cartoonist failed this time because he could not expect that the criminal may turn out to be a Korean.




This website is not really suited to discuss current events. Because I don't have much time to update or translate this web. Then it is not easy to deal with timely topics.

I can not discuss this brutal crime or its criminal person. I don't have much information about him. But I want to discuss some reactions of Korean people and media. Because their reactions seemed to puzzle and stress many people including non-Americans. Then I think I had better write what I know. I wish what I say to be any use for the people who must coexist with them. Though what I say may stress people more...

- The backgrounds of "that" caricature

I'm afraid that many people may not want to see this caricature any more. I'm sorry for it. But it is not useless to know the background of this caricature.

I will explain the caricature just in case the people who didn't know. This indiscreet caricature was displayed on the Korean national newspaper's website. After the criminal proved to be a Korean, this caricature spread very quickly through the net.

この事件や犯人に対しては、私は情報を持たない以上、どうのこうの言うことはできません。 ただ、この事件での韓国人団体や韓国人の反応にとまどったり、ストレスを募らせる人も多いと思われます。 米国人でなくても、同様でしょう。私は自分の知っていることを書いておくべきだと考えました。 韓国人と共存していかなければならない人たちのために、役に立てばいいと思います。 もっともストレスを逆に募らせることになるかも知れませんが...。

- 風刺漫画の件


ご存じなかった方のために説明します。韓国の全国紙(WEB版)に次のような無神経な漫画が載った事件のことです。 犯人が韓国人と分かってから、 この漫画はインターネットを通じて急速に広まりました。

(Original text is written in Korean)
Though this newspaper is one of Korean national newspapers supposedly...

To tell the truth, such indiscreet reactions to disastrous events are not unusual for Korean media.


Original(Japanese) (cache)
"I think there's an airport here..."

"You must turn. Sumatra has moved 36 meters away."
「あれ? この辺に空港があったはずなんだけどな…」

This is a caricature of Indian Ocean earthquake(December 26, 2004). This appeared on famous Korean national newspaper's website, Chosun Ilbo(December 29, 2004). This was displayed only a few days after. Can this caricature make you laugh?

I can only explain this caricature that not a few Korean people are impervious to other people's pain.

Especially when accidents and disasters with the loss of many lives occurs in Japan, it is not unusual that they post the articles or caricature which ridicule or spoof Japan or Japanese. Korean BBS systems are full of such their verbal abuses as "comeuppance for Japan!". This is because of their traditional anti-Japanese feelings which includes discriminatory sentiments.
(Though you can not believe this, it is not unusual for them to ridicule the victims of Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Insulting Japan is national pastime in Korea. (Sample) )

These problems have been seldom reported by Japanese mainstream media but have been often talked about and discussed by Japanese blogs and BBS.

Of course, some thinking Korean people always feel shame at this situation. But they never become a majority force in Korea, watching how Korean mass media reports.

Recently anti-American feelings have risen in Korea. Their feelings are based on their mindless nationalism, dislike against the power and their distorted historical view which places the blame for division on the Korean Peninsula at the feet of USA.

I'll summarize what I have explained.

The backgrounds of the caricature about Virginia Tech massacre are following;

1.Korean mass-media have an insensitive nature towards the suffering of other nation's people for some time.

2.Especially when the victims are Japanese, they post the articles or caricature which ridicule Japan or Japanese. This is because of their anti-Japanese feelings.

3.The cartoonist just tried to adopt "anti-Japanese method" toward America with anti-American feelings in Korea.

To put more simply, they have been thoughtless for a long time.
But he failed. He could not expect the criminal may turn out to be a Korean.
This newspaper company has apologized at once.

But I doubt whether they will apologize to Japan in the same case.


(信じられないかもしれませんが、彼らは広島や長崎の犠牲を嘲笑うこともまれではありません()。 日本を侮辱することは韓国の国民的娯楽です。)



また、近年韓国では、反米感情が強くなっています。これは彼らの思慮のないナショナリズム、強国への反感、朝鮮半島の分断を 米国の責任だとする歪曲された史観によるものです。



2.多数の犠牲者(死者)を伴う事故災害が日本で起こると、それをからかったり揶揄したりする漫画や記事が韓国では珍しくないが、 これは上記に加えて反日のメンタリティーが働くためである(日本を侮辱することを事実上の国民的娯楽としているからである)。




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