Theme of Today :

Sports scenes under Japanese rule



Key passage:
- Under Japanese rule, Korean people experienced a drastic change in values about sports during rapid modernization.

- In this age, sports were recognized as a way of modern education and enlightenment. The question was already raised about its commercialization as today.

- Women spurted dramatically in its social activities.

- However, in today's Korea, sports often fall to a way of chauvinism and exclusionist nationalism.

- 日本統治時代、急速な近代化の中で、朝鮮半島はスポーツへの価値観の劇的な変化を経験していた

- スポーツは近代化における教育、啓蒙の手段としてみられていた。そして商業化への疑問もすでにあった。

- このころ、女子の活動も劇的に活発化、自由化していた

- しかし、現在の韓国のスポーツはしばしば偏狭な愛国主義、民族主義の道具になり下がってしまっている


I will introduce the some sports scenes in Korea under Japanese rule(1910-1948).

It's a little exhausting to continue criticizing other people. This time I will pick up the content which is not very "hard".

I happened to find a book at a bookstore in the summer of 2005. This book was written about the caricatures on the newspapers of Korea under Japanese rule. The author describes the manners and culture of those days through the caricatures.

Japanese edition is titled as "Fantasy and despair"* which is somehow associated with the "harsh colonial rule". But Korean (original) edition has the title of "Modern boys tramp all over Seoul" which becomes the arrival of the modern age. I have not read through this book yet, but I could find many scenes which were not match for "harsh colonial rule". Though I expected somewhat so...

(*by Shin, Myoung-Jik, published by TOYO KEIZAI INC. July 2005)

As the author says, many documents or records of the "colonial period" had been damaged and lost during the Korean War. These are valuable records to know the Korean Peninsula under Japanese rule.

I arranged these contents of this book chronologically.



これは2005年夏にたまたま入った書店で発見した本です。日本が統治した時代の新聞の風刺漫画についての本でした。 著者は当時の文化風俗について風刺漫画で説明しています。

邦訳では「幻想と絶望」*といういかにも「過酷な植民地時代」を連想させる題ですが、原題は「モダンボーイ、ソウルを闊歩す」 というもので、近代化を迎えた時代にふさわしい題名です。まだまともに読み通してはいませんが、当時の文化、風俗にはおよそ 「過酷な植民地統治」というイメージにはそぐわないものも多かったようです。まあ、多少予想はしてましたが...


著者も言うように「植民地時代」の資料の多くは朝鮮戦争で減失してしまいました。 これらは日本統治下の朝鮮半島の貴重な記録と言えます。


--- quote ---

Sport as modern culture

In the late stages of Joseon Dynasty, Korea soccer club was established mainly by the official interpreters who had worked abroad.

(Note; Original text says "In the late stages of Daehan Jeguk". Daehan Jeguk really continued from 1897 to 1910 - from "Treaty of Shimonoseki"(Korea's independence from Sino) to "under Japanese rule". Perhaps the author's illusion.)

From this age, many sports including soccer began to establish in Korea as new modern recreations. In pre-modern ideology which the spirituality was overemphasize, the physical exercise had been neglected. But the influx of modern culture made impress many people the importance of the physical exercise.

(Note: The extreme dogmatism from Sinocentrism had tainted many people before the influx of modern culture. And the persons of noble rank had been considered not to raise something heavier than a smoke tube as well as not to do physical work. In such cultural background, the idea of exercising their bodies never occurred basically.)

Sports became to be considered as the method to enlighten the people on the modern culture which is intellectual, moral and physical education. And sports played a prominent role in developing modern persons who could maintain discipline. It is such Christian associations as Korean YMCA(Young Men's Christian Association), mass media as newspapers or associations of enlightenment activities to encourage sports.

House of Hwangseong YMCA was built. This would support the popularization of sports.

Various sorts of modern and general discipline became established in the public.

The first soccer competition of all Korea. Within 8 years, soccer became very popular in the public.

Korean YMCA introduced the boxing to the public for the first time.
--- 引用開始 ---



(訳注:原文では大韓帝国末期となっているが、 大韓帝国は日清戦争により清が独立を認めた後から併合されるまで (1897 - 1910)なのでおかしい)

以来、サッカーをはじめとする多種多様なスポーツが、新しい近代的なレクリエーションとして定着しはじめた。 精神を重視する前近代的なイデオロギーでは常に軽んじられてきた肉体が、近代文化の流入とともに、 初めて陽の目を見るようになったのである。

(訳注:近代文化流入以前は朝鮮半島の人々は中華思想から、 朱子学的な過度に教条主義的な考え方に毒されていた。また尊い人々は肉体労働はもとより、キセルより重いものは持たない、 と言われていた。 このような文化的背景では「肉体を鍛える」という発想はそもそもまったくなかったと言っていい。)。

スポーツは、知・徳・体という近代的な教養を啓蒙するための手段として認識され、近代的規律が浸透した近代的な人間を育成するために、 重要な役割を果たした。 特にスポーツを奨励したのは、朝鮮キリスト教青年会(YMCA)のようなキリスト教団体や新聞社のような言論や啓蒙団体だった。




The stadium was very crowded by the people who watch the soccer match between Waseda University team and Korean team. This match was sponsored by Chosunilbo and Korean Athletic Association. Some people held onto a tree or climbed a wall to watch this match. Sports-loving people seemed to want to watch even by such methods. (work 3-18)
朝鮮日報社主催で朝鮮体育会後援による日本の早大サッカー団と朝鮮人サッカー団との試合がたいそう盛況。 木にぶら下がったり壁によじ登って観戦する人もいたほど。もともと国際的にも有名なサッカー団であり、 結局こんなふうにでも見物するのがスポーツファンたちの得策だったらしい−。(作品3-18)
(...)Recently boxing was imported into Korea. Women and children watch the match with clapping from the ringside. It's a piquant physical exercise, but a life-threatening match. We can see such wonderful spirits as being on his feet again from knocking out.. We feel encouraged by the spirits. This sport is good to encourage a dispirited person. But is it good to commercialize and professionalize this sport? What we can do is showing a sporting spirit. (work 3-19)
(…)近頃拳闘が朝鮮にも輸入され、婦女子たちも「リングサイド」から手を叩く。痛快な運動だが、 生命を託すことのできない危険な試合だ。(…)この拳闘については、「ノックアウト」されても再起しょうという精神が良くて気概が強まる。 この運動は元気のない人を緊張させるのには良いが、職業化、商品化されるのは良いのか悪いのか? スポーツ精神を発揮するのみ。 (作品3-19)
(...)She liked rugby. She also liked boxing. Her athleticism was the reason why she was charmed by the raven wild body of Dan Steward in "Pelican" who thwarted ??(boy's name)'s love.(work 3-9)
(…)彼女は「ラグビー」も好きだが「ボクシング」が好きだった。だから彼女が、 ソウルに来て多賀君を苦しめたダン・スチュワード君の野性的な「ペリカン」の羽色の肉体に心奪われたのも、 この女の「スポーツ」熱のためだろう。(作品3-9)
(...)When I stepped out into the street, I found that modern girls were walking with ice skating boots under their arms. I also found one of them met her boy friend under power pole and got on the train with him to go to an ice-skating rink. When she stayed at home, she cringed near the floor heating, never went into the kitchen which was only one step away and worked her elder brother's wife hard. But when she went to an ice-skating rink, she had a spring in her walk as a puppy in the snow. (work 3-20)
(…)大通りに出るとすぐに小脇にスケート靴を抱えて歩くモダンガールたちを見かけ、 電信柱の下で男性と会って電車に乗りスケート場に行くのも見かける。 家では一歩で届く台所に行くのが寒いとオンドルの焚口に近い所に身を縮めて座り、 罪のない兄嫁をこき使うような女性もスケート場では、人の懐の中から雪を見て飛び出して行く子犬のように、弾んでいる娘も見かける。(…) (作品3-20)
The cartoonist found the youthful light feeling and good cheer in the girl who was skipping lightly around. He warmly watched over her.

Sports were not only for men. The modern girls in Seoul always got the free tickets and went Seoul Stadium to watch the games when they had been informed about them. "We need to know commonsense knowledge of sports, too." "Sports" gained citizenship as one of modern culture and were so popular to make modern girls think so.

Modern girls in Seoul were attracted not only to rugby but also to boxing. "she was charmed by the raven wild body of Dan Steward in "Pelican" who thwarted ??(boy's name)'s love." This description makes us understand that sports had already become like one of modern show business. When modern boys and girls were watching the games of boxing, they were feeling primitive excitement and shock of body to their hearts' contents. They had never felt such excitement or shock in pre-modern society.

Young people enjoying sports

The modern girls and boys in Seoul were not satisfied only by watching sports. When she stayed at home, she cringed near the floor heating, never went into the kitchen which was only one step away and worked her elder brother's wife hard. But she was walking with ice skating boots under their arms to meet her boy friend under power pole to go to an ice-skating rink with him. Women also became to be able to enjoy sports casually which only men could do so before.

One of modern boys and girls was skating waving his hands. Another was walking on the ice with high-heeled skating shoes in blues rhythm.. the cartoonist found the sons and daughter of the culture hundreds of years ahead in their figures.

There were many people positively enjoying skating, soccer and boxing in Seoul which had the image of young people's city. The cartoonist says they always need sports to behave in a dynamic way in the center of the city.

Before the life of "modern age" entrenched in people's life, no one could even imagine that girls wore skates or got exercise(Original text: Usagi-tobi, a kind of exercises) in a short skirt. Sports gave them the new way of thinking that women should also train their bodies.

An(the cartoonist) insists that sporting spirits should be penetrated and established. This is one of the reasons that An insisted "Sports must be more popular.". Because sporting spirit is absolutely necessary to forming modern character which is daring spirit to be on his feet again from knocking out or also spirit of fair play to respect rules and principles.

The episode says that An was an illuminati. But, in the result, he described the exercises of modern girls and modern boys as "miserable struggles". Their surface activities were only a sort of pleasure.

--- unquote ---

スポーツは男性だけのものではなく、京城のモダンガールたちも、京城運動場で何かスポーツ競技があると聞きつけると、 タダのチケットを手に入れて必ず見に行った。「スポーツといえども常識程度の知識は持っていなければならない」 とモダンガールたちが考えるほど、 「スポーツ」はすでにモダンな文化のひとつとして市民権を持ち、しかも流行していたのである。

京城のモダンガールは、ラグビーだけでなくボクシングにも魅了されていた。 「京城に来て多賀君を苦しめるダン・スチュワード君の野生的な」肉体をあこがれていた。 この記述は、スポーツがひとつの近代的なショーとしての意味を持ったことを物語っている。 モダンガール・モダンボーイたちはボクシングの試合を観戦しながら、 前近代社会では絶対に目にすることのできなかった原始的な肉体の興奮と衝撃を、 心ゆくまで味わったのだった。


京城のモダンガール・モダンボーイたちは、スポーツ観戦だけで満足しなかった。ふだん家の中では、 一歩で行ける台所に行くのが寒いと言ってオンドルの焚き口に近いところに身をかがめて座り、 罪のない兄嫁をこき使うようなモダンガールたちも、大通りに出て小脇にスケート靴を抱え、 男と待ち合わせてスケート場に行くために電信柱の下で立っていた。 かつては男性占有だったスポーツは、女性も気軽に楽しむことができるようになったのだ。

両手を大きく振りながら滑る人、かかとの高い靴を履いて氷の上をブルースの拍子で歩くモダンガール・モダンボーイたちの姿は、 ...すでに何世紀も先を行った「文化」の息子・娘というイメージを、作者は抱いている。

スケート、サッカー、ボクシングに興じる人びとが活発に歩く京城は、若者の街のイメージだ。身体を鍛え、 都会の心臓部で力強く彼らが活動するためには、スポーツを普遍化させなくてはいけないと作者はいう。

近代が日常生活に定着する以前は、女性たちがスケート靴を履いたり、短いスカートを翻してうさぎ跳びをすることなど、 想像だにできなかった。 女性も身体を鍛えなくてはいけないという新しい観点を、スポーツが与えてくれたのだ。

安夕影(風刺漫画の作者)が「スポーツを普遍化させなくてはいけない」と主張する理由のひとつに、 スポーツ精神の浸透・定着が挙げられる。 ボクシングで、ノックダウンされでも再び立ち上がろうとする精神、 あるいはフェアプレイに代表される規律と原則を遵守するスポーツの精神は、 近代的人間の形成において絶対必要なものだからである。

啓蒙主義者としての安夕影の側面を物語るエピソードだ。しかしモダンガール・モダンボーイたちの体を鍛える行為は、 結局「哀れなもがき」という表現で終わってしまう。 これは、すでに職業化・商業化していたスポーツが台頭する中、彼らのうわべだけの行動は、一種の享楽にすぎなかったからだ。

--- 引用終了 ---
If you have read "Korea and Her Neighbours" written by Isabella L. Bird, you will understand these descriptions were the result of the modernization which had been accomplished with surprising speed.

Even in the latter half of the 19th century, money economy remained undeveloped in Korean Peninsula. There were not a few Korean people who were called "bai ding" which were unprivileged people even in slavery. They were treated as belongings. The bodies of girls "bai ding" sometimes hung up the bridge over Han River ("Han River flows through Seoul"). They had been toyed by their master, and had been killed by masters' wives.

Around that time, a diplomat from Europe invited a Yangban(aristocrat) to his embassy. When he saw an embassy staff playing tennis, he said "why don't he make his menial servant do such a thing(vile task)?". This is the well-known episode which shows their view of sports till latter half of the 19th century. But in this age( 1920-30's ), we are surprised that their value on sports has changed.

The book says "Sports were not only for men...". But far from it, sports or exercises had been supposed to be only for persons of humble origins in Korean Peninsula. This was the reason why the view of sports of this cartoonist sounded dogmatism or illuminism. Briefly they had not known the culture of exercising till the end of the 19th century.

Then we are also surprised at activation of women and girls.

Till the end of the 19th century, in Korean Peninsula the status of women remained very low and they could do only limited activities in society. Many women were proudly going out uncovering their chests as tokens that they had boys' babies.

But then we can imagine the drastic changes of values by modernization caused much confusion in their society. Though modernization always caused much confusion.

Many Japanese culture including Kendo spread in the tide of rapid modernization, especially in modern school education.

I have once read that some foreigner living in Seoul said "If Korea had been ruled by Japan for more 50 years, Korea should have become a decent nation." I could not distinct whether they said a joke or not. But this book makes me think it may not necessarily just a joke.

Because sports were recognized as a way of modern education and enlightenment at least in these scenes.

However, in today's Korea, sports often fall to a way of chauvinism and exclusionist nationalism.
(Related articles 1 2 3 )


19世紀後半になっても、朝鮮半島では貨幣経済もあまり機能せず、多くの白丁と呼ばれる奴隷がいました。 彼らは最下層の身分で、文字どおり物として扱われていました。漢江の橋には主人に性的なおもちゃにされた挙句、 その夫人に殺された女性の奴隷の死体が時おり、橋にひっかかっていたといわれます(「ソウル城下に漢江は流れる」)。

当時、ある西洋の大使館の人間がある両班(当時の貴族)招いたところ、彼はそこでテニスに興じている大使館員を見ると「ああいう(下賎なこと)は召使にやらせたら」と言ったという有名なエピソードがあります。 しかし、1920-30年代のこの時代には、スポーツに対しての価値観が一変していることに驚かされます。

文中「スポーツは男性だけのものではなく、」とありますが、男女を問わず、身体を動かしたり鍛えたり、 というのは19世紀末まで朝鮮半島では卑しい人間のすることでした。スポーツの捉え方がやや教条的、 啓蒙主義的(お説教的)になってしまうのは、 やはり19世紀末まで「身体を動かす」文化というものがおよそなかったせいでしょう。


19世紀末、朝鮮半島では女性の地位は極端に低く、活動も限られたものでした。男子を産んだ女性はその印として、 胸を誇らしげに出して歩いていました。



ソウル在住の外国人の本気とも冗談ともつかない意見として「あと50年日本統治時代が続いたならこの国もまともになっただろう。」 という話がありますが、 これらを見ると、あながち間違いではなかったかもしれません。


(関連記事 1 2 3 )

Their recent propaganda. Korean women's short-track speed skating team claiming Paektu( the mountain between North Korea and China ) is their territory in Asian Winter Games (January of 2007) 彼らの最近のプロパガンダ。「白頭山はわれらが領土」と冬季アジア大会でプロパガンダする女子ショートトラック選手(2007年1月)

"..sporting spirit is absolutely necessary to forming modern character which is ... spirit of fair play to respect rules and principles"


....Oh, I ended up criticizing.




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